Friday 1 January 2016


Q.    Where was man first created?
A.    In Trivastaba, which is now Tibet, on the north of India (according to Hindu belief).

Q.    Who were first created?
A.    Seven great sages Marichi, Angiras, Atri, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu and Vashishta. And 4 sages; Sanak, Sanandan, Sanatan and Sanatkumar. And fourteen Manus. All men are born of them. (Gita 10:6)

Q.    How did creation become possible?
A.    Before creation, God was alone, Who may be termed as Absolute or Impersonal God, who is Abaammanasagochara (Who cannot be thought of or spoken of). In that Absolute state, a kind of vibration was felt which in turn brought forth the pirmal Sound or Word - Om. Thoughts for creation such as. "Let there be light and there was light, "ekoham bahusyam", came in the divine mind. That is how the creation became possible.

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Courtesy: Hindutvam Vol. 1. Published by: Fiji Sevashram Sangha, Suva, Fiji.

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