Sunday 17 January 2016




Q.     After passing through different stages and births when one has been able to rise to the human life can he go back to lower birth again?
A.     If he does low actions he will have to go back.

Q.     Will he go back as low as to the animal stage?
A.     Yes. He is already animal, as he behaves like an animal. Only his outward appearance remains as human; this, too, will change into an animal in the next birth.

Q.     Does it not sound illogical that man will become animal?
A.     It may. But man's behaviour like animal sounds illogical too.

Q.     What are the other factors which can make man animal?
A.     When one is busy with sensuous things, he ordinarily breeds more and more desires which also need to be fulfilled. The only possible way that one can experience that extremely lustful and sensuous state is through an animal body.

Q.    Is it not too hard a punishment?   
A.    Yes, but not so hard as eternal hell.

Q.    Is not this kind of retrogression against the theory of evolution?
A.    No. This retrogression is only a temporary arrangement; though the sinner will be under penalty, yet he will be marching on the road of evolution.   

Q.    How long has one to remain in an animal life?   
A.    It depends upon the nature and degree of sin which one has committed.

Q.    Coming out from animal life once, can he become animal again?
A.    If he is not careful, he may. Why animal? He may become worse! Everything depends upon his actions.

Q.    In that kind of animal life, can he pray to God?
A.    Popular belief is this that animal life is for experience only. For higher activities like praying, etc., he has to wait for human life; still, there might be exceptions.       

Q.    Can a man be reborn as a woman or vice-versa.       
A.    Yes.       

Q.    Can man or animal become a tree in a future life or vice-versa.
A.    Yes, according to Karma.

Courtesy: Hindutvam Vol. 1. Published by: Fiji Sevashram Sangha, Suva, Fiji

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