Thursday 14 January 2016


Q. How does the next life start?
A. When causal body breeds desire, the next life starts then and there. But the desire needs fine body and a physical body in order to make itself effective. So, according to the nature of the desire, the fine body and the physical body, must be constituted. Though the seed for the next life is already there, new birth has to be delayed until the required body and mind along with suitable parentage are ready. In other words, when all these above-mentioned bodies are ready, only then a new birth is possible.

Q. What is meant by suitable parentage?
A. Where you will get all opportunities to fulfill the purpose of your present birth.

Q. How does the soul (Jeeva) leave the body during death?
A. The finer portions of the organs, i.e., eye, ear, tongue, etc., merge into the mind, and the mind merges into the Prana or vital energy, and the Prana into the soul, and the soul leaves the body during death.

Q. What road does the Jeeva or fine body take after death?
A. There are two roads, one leading to the Supreme, and the other brings you back to the world. The Bhagavad Gita in 24th and 25th verses of the eighth chapter says: "The seer takes the path to the realm of fire, light, daytime, bright fortnight, the Sun's northern passage and eventually reaches the Supreme. And the path of smoke, night-time, dark fortnight and the Sun's Southern passage leads the Yogi and the virtuous people to lunar light where they stay for a certain length of time according to their karma and then return to rebirth."

Courtesy: Hindutvam Vol.1 Published by: Fiji Sevashram Sangha, Suva, Fiji

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