Wednesday 13 January 2016


Q. Does the fine body improve after death?
A. It may improve or retard according to its karma, but from the point of broader principles of evolutionary process, it can be said it 

Q. What happens to us before death?
A The mind will stay only on a few things for which one has more attachment, and just at the time of death one single dominating thought remains, and as life ends, that last thought will determine the future life (Gita 8:6). 

Q. What is fine body or Shukshma Sharira?
A. Fine body comprises mind, intellect, feeling and egotism (four functions of the mind), finer portions of the five working organs (hands, feet, etc.), and five knowledge organs (eye, nose, etc.), and five kinds of winds that work in the body. These nineteen elements comprise the fine body.

Q. What is the real cause of birth?
A. Desire.

Q. If that is so then is birth limitless?
A. Yes, So long as you have desire, you have to take birth again and again.

Q. When will this infinite circle of birth and deaths end?
A. When all desires will terminate. That is the stage of salvation.

Q. What is the casual body?
A. Casual body is ignorance which brings you new birth.

Q. How does casual body leave during death?
A. Since casual body is the cause of birth, it starts functioning by breeding desires which will give a new birth.

Courtesy: Hindutvam Vol. 1 Published by: Fiji Sevahsram Sangh, Suva, Fiji

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