Thursday 7 January 2016


Q.     If we are to suffer or enjoy according to our own actions, how can we then benefit by prayer to God?
A.     Prayer to God will inspire us towards good actions.

Q.     If God is everywhere, why do we not see Him?
A.     There are two reasons why we cannot see God:
    (1)     Due to our ignorance,
    (2)     The more something is fine the more difficult it is to see it, e.g. air, atom, etc. God being the finest and largest of all is not seen except with the eyes of wisdom.

Q.     If God is everything, why do things perish?
A.     Only the Mayic parts of things perish:
    (1)     Naam (Name), (2) Roop (Form), (3) Sat (Existence),
    (4) Chit (Consciousness), (5) Anand (Blissfullness).
The first two which belong to Maya, perish while the other three, which are one with God, never change.

Q.     Who are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva?
A.     They are respectively creative force, preserving force and destructive force of the same Almighty God.

Q.     Do the Hindus worship idols?
A.     No, Hindus never worship idols. But some Hindus, according to the stages of their spiritual life, use idols as symbols. As a matter of fact, almost everybody, Hindus or non-Hindus, use some kind of symbol during the time of worship. A church is also a symbol. According to Mahatma Gandhi, taking help of symbols in times of worship is almost unavoidable and it is in the nature of every human being.

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