Sunday 15 November 2015



Stress is a physical condition whereby a person faces emotional pressure. Every individual experiences stress at some point in life. However, the rise in stress levels amongst the young generation, particularly the students, is very astounding and an issue of concern, worldwide.

Young people may be subjected to stress due to many reasons. These include exam pressure, family conflict, relationship, problems, bullying,  poor pressure, financial constrains and  insecurities based on physical appearance. While  it is true that different people have different ways of dealing with stress, however the way the young people cope with stress should be monitored. Young people’s mind are at a developing stage hence the ability to think beyond the preset situation becomes limited due to inexperience in the ways of the world.

Thus, suicide amongst students has become very common. In Fiji alone, the incidence of suicide in the young generation outnumbers the cases of drowning. Even though better alternatives are available for victims to choose from, suicide has become an easy way out for many and this is very sad to see.

Moreover, another effect of stress on young people is the rise in substance abuse. A lot of students indulge in drinking alcohol, smoking, taking drugs and even sniffing glue as a stress coping mechanism. In the long run such actions leads to harmful effects to the respiratory system, reproductive system, circulatory system and mostly the nervous system of individuals. Severe cases have resulted in insanity and mental disorders, which is why some young people  are found in mental institutions when they should be in school or college.

Another impact of stress on young people today is withdrawal. That is, stressed out students develop a tendency to isolate themselves from those around them and keep everything in. This makes the problem even worse due to not having anyone to confide in and lessen the burdens. However, some youth do to exact opposite of withdrawal and choose violence instead. This is done to release part of frustration but it paves a path to criminal activities.

Therefore, if young people are not helped by adults to deal with stress, the situation will probably only get worse. There is a need for proper guidance for youths so that they may come out stronger from their stressful problems and do good in their lives.

Naweshta Irene Nisha
Year 13
Rishikul Sanatan College
Winner of Essay Writing Competiton
(Group D)

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