Monday 30 November 2015


Our Intellect senses.

One get lured seeing beauty. Rape cases all around the world is the result of unable to control the senses. One wishes to enjoy physical relation willingly or forcefully when one sees beauty . A worst case of mind taking over your senses are rape cases against victim as young as 2 years, against one own family members, one’s own daughter etc. 
One can enjoy beauty of nature which is soothing to one’s soul.

A sense of touch. Just like tongue and nose work hand in hand, so as skin and eyes. The moment one sees a beauty, one gets intense desire to touch and feel beauty and then wishes to enjoy the beauty willingly or forcefully. 
Many such act on impulses have ended a person either in jail term or sometime even to death penalty.

Our fifth sense is ear. We look at it in next post and also five action senses.

- Manhar Narsey

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Sunday 29 November 2015


Our Intellect senses.

Our five intellect senses are: 
1. Nose
2. Tongue
3. Eyes
4. Skin and 
5. Ear.

Human being identify everything in life through these five senses. I will briefly mention the function of these senses without going in to detail. I am not a doctor.
    Nose:    Primary function of nose is to identify smell. For example when you go to a party, there are varieties of food. Your mind cannot resist its aroma and request for action to take more food. Since your brain has no control over your mind, immediately your brain sends signal to your action senses  to go to the food table and have some more food. At such time you should have strong willpower to resist the temptation. 
    Enjoy your party but do not over do it.

2. Tongue: A taste bud is most killing factor of obesity. Tongue and nose work in partnership. Nose will smell aroma of delicious food and tongue will confirm it by taste. If one does not have control over one’s mind, one will surely fall for it and as a result one is sure to invite obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, high pressure etc. 
    Do not blame GOD for your wrong doing.

    More on other senses in next post.

-     - Manhar Narsey

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Saturday 28 November 2015


 21st century is a century of technology. 

Whether one likes it or not, one is forced to live with technology. When you really look at all these developments, you will no doubt agree that no matter what one say, these technology has made life much more easier. And what makes our life easy? Sensors of course. You will see sensor in every electronic gadget. From a simple toy to spacecraft, everything works with sensors. A specially devised item which guides the particular action of the gadget. From toy to spacecraft, these sensors will identify the course of action for the specific purpose. The only setback is, that sensor will only sense and relay the message and if the program set on the device fails to recognize this message then there will be malfunction of the gadget. A simple toy can breakdown or a spacecraft can burn or blow out in space. We all have witnessed such mishaps every now and then.

God has also installed ten major sensors in our body. These sensors are known as senses. Our senses has the same function as that of sensors. The difference between sensors and senses are, with gadgets, sensors are programmed to identify certain objects or actions whereas in case of human being, one has to develop one’s own program for senses. One has to identify the good and bad action on our own. 

This is why it is important to control senses. These senses identify everything that comes within their range and relay the message to our brain. It is for us (our brain) to isolate genuine message to that of spam messages or threat and if the brain fails to identify these messages then we get in to trouble. 

In my earlier post on Rama Ekadashi, I have mentioned about senses and one of my reader wanted to know about these senses. Well, as mentioned in my earlier post, a human being has ten senses of which five are intellect senses. Other five senses are action senses. These senses will act depending on the messages relayed by our brain to them. So in simple terms our intellect senses identify object and relay it to our brain. And our brain relay message to our action senses to take appropriate action accordingly. This is how our body system works. 

Ideally one should be in control over one’s mind but in most cases mind takes total control and opt for wrong things in life which will eventually put oneself in physical, mental, social and legal problems in life.

In my next post I will be elaborating on these senses and how to control them.

- Manhar Narsey

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Monday 23 November 2015


It is nearly 10 days I have not posted anything new. This is because schools in Fiji are coming to the end of its academic year 2015, this Friday 27th November.

As the school is coming to the end of its academic year, everyone gets in to festivity mood, rewarding the students and some social get together.

Also according to Hindu Calendar the first festival for Hindus after Diwali is Tulsi Vivah which is going to be celebrated all over world this Wednesday 25th November.

I hope to continue with my blog in a day or so.

You will be expecting to read following in my upcoming post.

1. To answer one of my reader question on senses
2. One very important shloka from Bhagwad Gita
3. The different perspective of ten incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

Thanking you for sharing my thoughts.

-Manhar Narsey

Monday 16 November 2015


                I was listening to a news this morning on the debate going on in Fiji Parliament. Presently state offers FREE milk to Year One students in schools.

                One of the member said that this free milk should be stopped because human are not made to drink animal milk, simply because we are not animals.

                 99 percent of all members sitting in the parliament are eating meat.

                I wonder, are humans made to eat meat?

                After all we are not animals.

            Or are we? 

- Manhar Narsey

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Laabh Panchami marks the end of Diwali festival. Festival which began on the day of Rama Ekadashi with a message to control our senses end with Laabh Panchami. 

This signify that if you have controlled all your senses, speech and action then as from this day nothing shall go wrong in your life. 

Laabh Panchami is a day to start a new chapter in life. Business people start new chapter in their books from this day. Ladies buy jewelry on this day. 

In fact Laabh Paancham is the day to take a vow that as from this day onward, all my action, speech and deed shall be beneficial and fruitful to all those with whom I interact.

- Manhar Narsey

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Sunday 15 November 2015



Stress is a physical condition whereby a person faces emotional pressure. Every individual experiences stress at some point in life. However, the rise in stress levels amongst the young generation, particularly the students, is very astounding and an issue of concern, worldwide.

Young people may be subjected to stress due to many reasons. These include exam pressure, family conflict, relationship, problems, bullying,  poor pressure, financial constrains and  insecurities based on physical appearance. While  it is true that different people have different ways of dealing with stress, however the way the young people cope with stress should be monitored. Young people’s mind are at a developing stage hence the ability to think beyond the preset situation becomes limited due to inexperience in the ways of the world.

Thus, suicide amongst students has become very common. In Fiji alone, the incidence of suicide in the young generation outnumbers the cases of drowning. Even though better alternatives are available for victims to choose from, suicide has become an easy way out for many and this is very sad to see.

Moreover, another effect of stress on young people is the rise in substance abuse. A lot of students indulge in drinking alcohol, smoking, taking drugs and even sniffing glue as a stress coping mechanism. In the long run such actions leads to harmful effects to the respiratory system, reproductive system, circulatory system and mostly the nervous system of individuals. Severe cases have resulted in insanity and mental disorders, which is why some young people  are found in mental institutions when they should be in school or college.

Another impact of stress on young people today is withdrawal. That is, stressed out students develop a tendency to isolate themselves from those around them and keep everything in. This makes the problem even worse due to not having anyone to confide in and lessen the burdens. However, some youth do to exact opposite of withdrawal and choose violence instead. This is done to release part of frustration but it paves a path to criminal activities.

Therefore, if young people are not helped by adults to deal with stress, the situation will probably only get worse. There is a need for proper guidance for youths so that they may come out stronger from their stressful problems and do good in their lives.

Naweshta Irene Nisha
Year 13
Rishikul Sanatan College
Winner of Essay Writing Competiton
(Group D)

Saturday 14 November 2015



Patriotism as defined by the Oxford English Dictionary is a “strong feeling for one’s country.” There are many ways in which people show how strongly they feel for their country.

Patriotism, for me personally is an extraordinary feeling. It is a great feeling to be first and foremost being called “Fijian”, regardless of our race, culture and creed. It means that we are all sons and daughters of our beloved nation, the Fiji Islands. For me it means that we are equally responsible for the up-building of the nation and we are all the same under the eyes of the law.
To be a good “patriotism” Fijian, we also have a sense of duty towards our country. This is mostly aimed at what we can positively do for our nation as a whole rather than sitting back and waiting for what the country can do for us.

From upholding the laws of the nation to keeping the  country neat and tidy, I feel I should contribute naturally towards these aspects rather than having authorities like the town council and police pull me up and force me to be a good Fijian citizen.

Representing the country as a team or as an individual in any sports is another way of expressing patriotism for us Fijians. Although area wise Fiji may just be a dot on the world map, our Fiji 7’s rugby team has continuously been putting Fiji on the world’s largest “sports map.”
Another area where patriotism tend to make their mark is during wars when they fight in battles to show patriotism in defence of their country. Even though Fiji is a peace loving nation, Fijians have performed marvellously during the first and second world war. Our national anthem speaks volumes of our feelings of patriotism that we Fijians usually shed tears while singing it.

When I grow up I want to become constitutional lawyer, so that I can join the parliament as a law maker and contribute directly towards the national up building. In my spare time I wish to do community service and help and fight for the rights of those that are poor and vulnerable in the society. I would feel prouder having contributed towards the Fijian nation and being a very patriotic Fijian indeed. For I am a proud Fijian and this is my Fiji.

Joshleen Rita Kumar
Year 11
Rishikul Sanatan College
Winner of Essay Writing Competiton
(Group C, 1st Prize)