Friday 19 February 2016


Q.     If a Sudra possesses a Kshatriya's quality, should he not be allowed to take up the profession of a Kshatriya?
A.     He can surely serve his country by being a soldier, but as a voluntary worker; for his living he must, follow his father's footstep.

Q.     But if a Sudra possesses the qualities of a Brahmin, should he not be called a Brahmin?
A.     A Sudra who is gifted with the true qualities of a Brahmin will show his humility - a genuine sign of spirituality - by continuing to be called himself a Sudra instead of fighting for the label of a Brahmin, for this kind of mentality brings nothing but disharmony in the society. The Hindus have always adored the true spiritual person even if he is an untouchable; examples are Sheori, Dharma Vyad, Ruhidas, Kavir, and too many more to mention. In the next life he will be born as a Brahmin.

Q.     What about a Brahmin who does not live an ideal life?
A.     This is no problem. Nobody will respect an unworthy person be he a Brahmin or a Sudra.

Q.     Should an unworthy man be allowed to carry on a holy profession?   
A.     If any unworthy person is given the opportunity to carry on a holy profession, it will only reveal the character of the person who engages him - both are of the same level. You get the kind of leader you deserve.

Q.     If you believe in caste system, you do not then believe in equality?
A.     Equality in what respect? In appearance, in intellectual power, in mental outlook? No two persons are equal. True Equality is something which can be discovered only in the level of Universal Soul or Paramatma which is same everywhere. The law of caste system aims to lead people to the Realisation of that Inner Equality.

Courtesy: Hindutvam Vol.1. Published by: Fiji Sevashram Sangha, Suva, Fiji

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