Saturday 13 February 2016


Q.    What are the sacred rivers for the Hindus?       
A.     Ganges (extending from North India to East India): Jamuna (in Uttar Pradesh); Narmada (in Central India): Brahmaputra (in Assam); Godavari (in Maharashtra).
Q.    Who was Buddha and what did he do?       
A.    Buddha was a prince in India in 500 B.C. He left his Kingdom and became a Monk. After attaining salvation, he founded Buddhism which was once accepted by two-thirds of the World's population.
Q.    Who was Sankaracharya? What did he do?
A.    Sankaracharya was the greatest of Indian Philosophers. He was born in Kalady (Kerala), 1200 years ago. He studied Veda at the age of eight, became a monk at sixteen and within his short life of thirtytwo years he re-established Sanatan Dharm in India.
Q.     What is the opinion of Charvakas?
A.     They preached Materialism in India.
Q.    Is it right to kill animals for food?
A.     No. There will be retribution in the next life. (Bhagavat 2:5:5:14).
Q.     Do trees have souls? 
A.     Yes.
Q.     What is sin?
A.     A conscious error.

Courtesy: Hindutvam Vol.1. Published by: Fiji Sevashram Sangha, Suva, Fiji

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