Wednesday 17 February 2016


Q.     Who invented the numerals (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10)?
A.     It Is the Hindus who invented the numerals; and this is now a universally accepted fact.

Q.     What is the contribution of Hindus towards Mathematics?
A.     Hindus very early evolved a simple system of Geometry (for laying out the open-air site of the Havan ground) and devised a rudementary algebra and invented the numerals.

Q.     Are you supporting the present state of the caste system?
A.     We are only describing the ideal state of the caste system.

Q.     What does Lord Krishna really mean when He says: in the Gita, 4:13, that God has created four varnas or castes?
A.     Lord Krishna means to say that the division of four castes is a natural factor in human society. As are found among the Hindus Brahmin, Kshtriya, Vaisya, Sudra, so are found in any society of any country - intellectuals and saintly persons; warriors or fighters; men of commercial abilities and tendencies; and humble men who can serve the society best with their manual labour. These four divisions of labour or allotment of duties have always existed in human society. Again, this fourfold spirit is more or less found in every human being. There is no man who is not endowed at the same time with some divine tendencies, and a capacity to struggle with inward or outward forces, and some amount of commercial tendencies and a spirit of service before, it can rightly be said that this fourfold division had been created along with man.

Q.     How does the question of Birth come into this division of labour which is set according to one's action and tendency?
A.     In order for a man to specialise in one particular type of profession it is better to cultivate it from his very childhood, and this will be more convenient when he follows the profession of his father. Law of caste, therefore, is the Law of heredity.

Q.     What about the different trades in Hindu society?
A.     "The trade guilds and caste act as mutual assurance society, and under normal conditions allow none of their members to starve", says Sir. W. Hunter.

Courtesy: Hindutvam Vol. 1. Published by: Fiji Sevashram Sangha, Suva, Fiji.

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