Friday 4 December 2015


Kurma (Tortoise)

When suras (devas) and asuras (danavas) came together to churn the ocean, they requested Lord Vishnu to help them in churning the ocean. Lord Vishnu agrees to take the form of Kurma (totoise) and said that both devas and danavas can put mountain on His back and began churning the ocean with the help of sheshanag (five headed cobra). To help both devas and danavas in churning, Lord Vishnu pull all his senses within. Ultimately after so many days of churning, pure nectar comes from the ocean. The story continues....

Tortoise is the only creature on this planet who is able to pull all its legs and head within its back shell. After five months of conceiving, a child remains in mother’s womb like a tortoise with all its legs, hands and head folded and tightly attached with the body in the womb. As the child continues to grow the pressure within the womb is enormous like having a mountain on a back. Churning of ocean by devas and danavas are nothing but all the good and bad habits of eating, drinking, talking, smoking etc by mother. Today science has proved that whatever mother does during pragnancy affects her child in the womb.

In “Garud Puran”, it is clearly mentioned that after five  months in the womb, a baby recall all its deed of past life and baby promises to Lord that he/she will not repeat the same mistake again in this birth. Here the message from Lord Vishnu if form of tortoise is very clear to a child that as you enter the world, you will encounter enormous pressure (social, moral, financial commitments etc) like having a mountain on back. You will have to face challenges from good people (devas) and bad people (danavas) but if you pull all your senses within your shell (to control one’s senses: refer to my post on sensors and senses), you shall get rewarding nectar from life.

The third incarnation of Lord Vishnu is Varah (pig). The purpose of Varah in our life will be in my next post.

-Manhar Narsey

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