Sunday 27 December 2015



Q.     Why is your religion called Sanatan Dharma?
A.     Because it has not been started by any particular personality but is founded on some eternal truths which hold good forever, for example:
(a)     God is Sat, Chit, Anand, meaning Truth, Consciousness and Blissfulness, which are eternal.

(b)    The innermost spirit of man, which is his true existence, is beyond change and, therefore, eternal. The changing part of man's being are his fine and physical bodies.

(c)     Our dharma is not an organised religion which depends upon certain creeds. On the other hand our dharma is determined in accordance with the character of the people-individually and collectively.

(d)     Our scriptures say that: "Ekam Sat Bipra Bahudhaa Badanti" (Rig Veda) meaning. God is one, yet different people call him by different names.

(e)     All men, in their essence, are equal.

(f)     All religions lead to the same goal.

(g)     The doctrine of karma meaning - as you sow so shall you reap, which is nothing but the eternal law of causes and effects.

(h)     The doctrine of Maya means the transitory nature of the world which is sometimes deceptive and which is by itself not independent.

(i)     The doctrine of transmigration of souls or rebirth. This is based on the doctrine of Karma. Man has to be born again and again until he has been able to free himself from all desires.

(j)     God, being all-powerful, can, if He likes, incarnate Himself at different times in different parts of the world.

(k)     Devotion to parents, guru and husband is a very important teaching of Hinduism. This is also a universal truth because obedience to elders lies in the very nature of man.

(l)     Unity in diversity - by this Hindus believe that in all the diverse phenomena of the world, there is a unifying factor - Universal Soul,

Courtesy: Hindutvam Vol. 1. Published by: Fiji Sevashram Sangha, Suva, Fiji

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