Wednesday 2 September 2015

Beyond Horizon

Sun rises and sun sets. Stars awake and stars sleep. Life activates and life quiets. The world evolves and the world comes to end. This is the way it works. One who rises has to set (fall). One who activates has to quit. One who evolves has to come to end.

We all have known this fact from years and ages. We saw it as truth, experience it as truth and understood it as truth. Yet, in fact this truth is far from the truth.

Sun never rises and sets. Stars never awake or sleep. Life and death of a body, evolve and end of world is merely an illusion. It is a game of the supreme being. He plays and also let us play His game. He laughs and makes us laugh too. He loves us but also punishes us sometimes. He turns Himself from oneself to millions and turns back from millions to oneself. He makes different bodies. He puts life in to these bodies and when the game is over He leaves the body lifeless.

Death is a Dharma of the body. Death is inevitable for body. It is a temporary rest for the soul. Death is a true friend and a staunch well wisher and supporter of the soul. Death is the only real relative of the body and soul. Death is just a station to the non stop cycle of time.

I do not have any name. I do not have any place to reside. This body is not mine. The body is to serve my purpose but I am not bound by this body. 

Life is merely my dream, a temporary pause of my dream. My goal is to reach and to achieve the infinite beyond horizon. Death helps me to reach to my goal. 

I am only here for few moments which sounds like number of earthly years. No one knows who I am. No one really understands me. Everyone knows me through my body. Some says I am Indian and some says I am indigenous. For some I am a businessman or a worker. Some knows me as talented and some as useless. I am a son or daughter to some and father or mother to some. Was I Indian or Indigenous, last time I was here? I do not recall. Will I be Indian or Indigenous, next time I will be here again? I do not know.

I just do my deed (Karma). On the shore of the great ocean of life, leaving prints of my deed in its sand, I quietly disappear beyond horizon in the infinite. I do not need to look back. I do not dwell in the past. I do not worry about the future. 

Someday a little toddler will put his foot in my print and play with it. Some day sun will glimpse at those prints at sunset. Some day raindrops will fill these prints and little sparrows will bath and make pleasant chirping sound.

A small stone when thrown in the sea creates many circles around it. When I came from infinite horizon, numbers of circle of relations were created around me. I enjoyed their company. I experienced their happiness and sorrow. Sometime I spoke and sometimes they spoke. Sometime I quietly looked at the infinite horizon. 

Whenever I came, I learnt something and they also learnt something. Whenever I came in to life, I have collected the fragrance of such relations, treasure of their sentiments and disappeared in the infinite horizon.

On the auspicious Shri Krishna Janmashtami, let us all vow to reach that infinite beyond horizon. Let us try to search for our true identity. Let us leave our footprint of good deed for future generation. And if some day even a sparrow will chirp after bathing in that footprint, then the mortal life we lived in shall be immortal.

Happy Janmashtami to everyone.

- Manhar Narsey

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