Thursday 31 December 2015


Q.    Are there many creations and dissolution?
A.    Yes, according to the Vedas there are many creations and dissolution, and with every dissolution, seeds are left for the new creation. Creation means variation, for all seeds cannot be equal.   

Q.    Who has created the universe, God or Nature (Prakriti)?
A.    God has created the universe but through Nature. The whole creation has come out of Him, and Him alone.

Courtesy: Hindutvam, Vol. 1. Published by: Fiji Sevashram Sangha, Suva, Fiji

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Wednesday 30 December 2015


Q.    If there is no founder of Hindu religion then how did it start?

A.    In the beginning of each cycle of creation some wise persons who are very much elevated from previous creations and whom the Hindus call Maharishi are born, In their samadhi or close contact with God, divine knowledge, both secular and spiritual, dawns upon them. Such knowledge is called Vedas, which in turn give rise to Hinduism.

Q.    How did the name 'Hindu' come?   

A.    The Western invaders of India in ancient times used to call the inhabitants of the Eastern side of the Sindhu river (Indus river) 'Hindus', the word Hindu has a geographical significance, but according to Sir Radha Krishnan, it has now a more cultural significance than a geographical one.

Courtesy: Hindutvam Vol. 1. Published by: Fiji Sevashram Sangha, Suva - Fiji.

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Tuesday 29 December 2015


Q.     What is harm when a religion is founded by a particular personality?

A.     After a time, should the events in the life of that personality be proved something different from how people believed before, then the whole structure of that religion will be at stake.

Q.     Who are these personalities like Rama and Krishna?

A.     They are God incarnates or Avatars, who have contributed much to the progress of Hinduism. Though the value of their contribution is immeasurable yet the existence of the Hindu religion never depends upon them.

Courtesy: Hindutvam, Vol. 1. Published by: Fiji Sevashram Sangha, Suva, Fiji

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Sunday 27 December 2015



Q.     Why is your religion called Sanatan Dharma?
A.     Because it has not been started by any particular personality but is founded on some eternal truths which hold good forever, for example:
(a)     God is Sat, Chit, Anand, meaning Truth, Consciousness and Blissfulness, which are eternal.

(b)    The innermost spirit of man, which is his true existence, is beyond change and, therefore, eternal. The changing part of man's being are his fine and physical bodies.

(c)     Our dharma is not an organised religion which depends upon certain creeds. On the other hand our dharma is determined in accordance with the character of the people-individually and collectively.

(d)     Our scriptures say that: "Ekam Sat Bipra Bahudhaa Badanti" (Rig Veda) meaning. God is one, yet different people call him by different names.

(e)     All men, in their essence, are equal.

(f)     All religions lead to the same goal.

(g)     The doctrine of karma meaning - as you sow so shall you reap, which is nothing but the eternal law of causes and effects.

(h)     The doctrine of Maya means the transitory nature of the world which is sometimes deceptive and which is by itself not independent.

(i)     The doctrine of transmigration of souls or rebirth. This is based on the doctrine of Karma. Man has to be born again and again until he has been able to free himself from all desires.

(j)     God, being all-powerful, can, if He likes, incarnate Himself at different times in different parts of the world.

(k)     Devotion to parents, guru and husband is a very important teaching of Hinduism. This is also a universal truth because obedience to elders lies in the very nature of man.

(l)     Unity in diversity - by this Hindus believe that in all the diverse phenomena of the world, there is a unifying factor - Universal Soul,

Courtesy: Hindutvam Vol. 1. Published by: Fiji Sevashram Sangha, Suva, Fiji

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Saturday 26 December 2015



    Param Poojya Srimat Swami Purnanandaji Maharaj - founder of the Western Branches of the Bharat Sevashram Sangha in London - England, Trinidad, Guyana Sevashram Sangha, the famous Hindu College, America Sevashram Sangha and the Canada Sevashram Sangha came to the Caribbean in the early 1950s.
He was a member of the Cultural Mission which was sent out by the Bharat Sevashram Sangha Calcutta - India to visit and preach to immigrant Indians who settled in large numbers as indentured labourers in countries like Fiji, Mauritius, Trinidad, Surinam and Guyana. After visiting South East Asian countries, Africa and Europe, the Mission arrived in the Caribbean in the mid-50s.

    It was the hands of Providence which chartered the course of that wonderful missionary journey of the Bharat Sevashram Sangha. Due to poverty and only for the survival of daily bread, these indentured labourers were cut off from Mother India for more than a hundred years, and Hindus in particular, were under pressure to become converted to other religions by various covert and other means. Up till then, these descendants of Indian origin had never seen a "Swami" and never knew who was a "Sannyasi".
Swami Purnanandaji Maharaj, heroic, dynamic and learned Hindumonk, was left in the Caribbean and as a result he spent more than thirty severn years of his life looking after the spiritual, social and educational needs of the Hindus. He established in Guyana, the First Hindu College, First Hindu Primary School, First Gurukul system -Dormitory for boys and together with Sri Bhadase Maharaj established primary and secondary schools in Trinidad.
 It was during this period, in spite of his busy life, Poojya Srimat Swami Purnanandaji Maharaj wrote the "AUM HINDUTVAM" which means "Thou art a Hindu" in order to re-awaken the Hindu consciousness in the domiciled Indians. It helped them to have a better understanding of their religion and culture, to develop their strength of belief and assert their cultural identity. Guruji is also the author of Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Bhagavad Gita, The Hindu Catechism, and Prophet of a New Hindu Age.    
 Hindus outside India are beginning to become aware of the problems they have to face, particularly in relation to their children. This is one of the areas in which "Aum Hindutvam" can be helpful. It can be conveniently used by parents to teach their children some basic things about their religion. This will help them to participate in discussions and debates rather then being silent spectators or being preached to. Finally, I would like to leave with our readers the Author's final declaration of : What is Prayer? "Prayers are not wishes, nor beggars pleas for Alms, nor whispering meant for human ears, not nice displays of grandiose words and vocal charms. Prayers are quiet communion wherein man speaks and God listens or God speaks and Man listens."
- Swami Bhajanananda

Courtesy: Hindutvam, Vol.1. Published by: Fiji Sevashram Sangha, Suva, Fiji

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Friday 25 December 2015



1.    What is the Goal?
    Self-Realization, Universal Emancipation.

2.    What is Religion ?   
    Self-sacrifice, Self-abnegation, Self-discipline
    Adherence to Truth, Continence.

3.    What is real Death ?
    Forgetfulness of the `Self
4.    What is real Life?   
    Self-possession, Self-remembrance, Self-consciousness.
5.    What are real Virtues?   
    Heroism, Virility, Manliness, Aspiration of Emancipation.

6.    What are real Sins ?
    Weakness, Fear (Defeatism), Cowardice, Meanness, Selfishness.

7.    What are real sources of Strength ?
    Patience, Fortitude, Endurance.
8.    What are real Assets ?
    Self-confidence, Self-reliance, Self-respect.
9.    What are real Enemies?
    Indolence, Slumber, Procrastination, Inertia,
    Lustful senses & passions.
10.    What are real Friends?
    Energy, Initiative, Enthusiasm, Perseverance.

Courtesy: Hindutvam, Vol. 1. Published by: Fiji Sevashram Sangha, Suva, Fiji.
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Saturday 19 December 2015


When one does not save enough today for future, one will have to regret later in future.

- Chanakya

Compiled by
-Manhar Narsey

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Thursday 17 December 2015


Happiness is not a commodity that can be purchased in store.

Get rid of your Ego and Happiness will enter in your life.

- Manhar Narsey

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Wednesday 16 December 2015



When cold will turn your hands black and when hot will burn your hands.

Some people are like charcoal.

In good times they will use your goodness 
In bad times will blackmail you.

- Manhar Narsey

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- Manhar Narsey

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Tuesday 15 December 2015


Hindus are very specific in worship. They will ensure that everything is done properly and in accordance with scriptures. They are also very specific about auspicious timing of worship. They will visit as many temples as possibly can during their lifespan. They will read numerous scriptures. They will listen to number of kathas and will not miss a single chance of getting blessing from saints and sages from all walk of life. And yet most Hindus seem confused about worship and tend to crosscheck on every festivals from priest and saints to calendars and layman. They do not have full confidence on themselves. If one understand the scriptures thoroughly then one will not get confused.

Let us look at the very popular verse (shloka) from Geeta:

“Patram paushpam falam toyam yo me bhaktya prayachchhati | Tadaham bhaktyu pahrutamashãnami prayatãtmanah ||” (Geeta 9:26)
(Whoever offers to Me with love a leaf, a flower, a fruit or even water, I accept in person before that disinterested devotee of sinless mind, and delightfully partake of that article offered by him with love.)

Lord Krishna said, O Arjuna, all I need is patram (leaves), pushpam (flowers), falam (fruits) and toyam (water) and nothing more.

So we all are very happy to offer patram (tulsi, durva, billi), pushpam (flowers), falam (seasonal fruits) and toyam (water) in worship. And we believe that we have worshiped the Lord exactly how He wants us to do. Our understanding up to here is quite simple as we have understood the verse according to our perception. We will be proud to tell others that we read Geeta regularly and that we know and understand Geeta thoroughly.

However Geeta is not just one verse. Geeta is a collection of 700 verses of which 500 verses are said to have been told by Krishna. All those verses said by Krishna are interconnected with each other. Therefore one will not get the proper message of Krishna just by reading a simple word to word translation of any verse from Geeta.

To understand the real meaning of the above verse, let us look at this verse:
“Ahamãtmã gudãkesha sarva-bhootã-shayasthitah |
Ahamãdischa maddhyam cha bhootãnãmanta eva cha || 
(Geeta 10:20)
(O Arjuna! I am the universal Self seated in the heart of all beings; so I alone am the beginning and middle and also the end of all beings.) 

Everyone believe that God resided within oneself. Now if God resides within oneself and if He says that all I need is patram, pushpam, fal and toyam then the message is quite clear. God resides within our body, naturally  whatever we eat we offer it to God. But He wants only patram, pushpam (vegetables), falam (fruits) and toyam (water). Now re-looking at the verse, it is very clearly said in Geeta that human body needs only vegetables, fruits and water and nothing else.

Today science has proved that Human body is not design for eating meat. Digestive system of human body and animals are different. Digestive system of all bodies created for vegetables meals are different to those created for meat eating bodies. There are more literature available on benefits of vegetable eating. 

Everyday number of people (not just Hindus) from all over world are turning to vegetable meals for health reasons or being enlighten by various health benefits of vegetable diets.

Some members of our intellect society will certainly argue that if God resides in every living creatures then why animals eat meat? Answer is simple. Human beings are not animals and not all animals eat meat. secondly one need to read other verses of Geeta which are interconnected to this subject.

So ,  let us promise Lord that O Lord! as from this day I shall offer to you what you want and not what I want.

- Manhar Narsey

Relinquish your animal instinct and 

turn to human being!

Go veggy and be healthy!

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Monday 14 December 2015


Buddha Avataar: 

The ninth incarnation of Lord Vishnu is Buddha Avataar. 

In life a person works hard to earn money, name and fame but at a cost of his health. He ends up with increased cost of health care, family disputes and problems, social set back and so on. 

The purpose of human life is to achieve eternal peace and salvation at the end of one's journey in human life. This is what Budhha Avataar is all about. 

Once Siddharth, the prince saw people suffering from deceases, old age and also he saw people dying. He was immediately enlighten that if I, being a prince also had to go through all these phases in life then whom am I enjoying all these luxuries for. He renounced his princely status and went on to find eternal peace.

The message from Buddha Avataar is that while we human beings continue to fulfill our worldly commitment, we should not forget that all the things we believe to be our own are only temporary. We will be asked to renounce everything we possess.

- Manhar Narsey

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Sunday 13 December 2015


Krishna Avataar: 

Kirshna incarnation is another very famous incarnation for Hindus. 

Kirshna was born in prison to Devaki and Vasudev at midnight on the eighth night of Krishna paksha of Shravan month (also known as Bhadrapad month in northern part of India). 

Krishna's life was very unique. He had to fight with all evil forces from his birth till his last day. Yet he was always smiling. 

Krishna's course of action has been wrongly interpreted by many, such as He used to steal butter and butter milk, He used to gamble and He had 16000 wives. But people forget that there was a purpose for all his actions. His main message to human beings was that one must continue doing its work without expecting reward. If your work is good and noble, you will be rewarded in life at appropriate time. 

While Ram Avataar teaches you to be a good role model and live within the merit, Krishna Avataar teaches you to do righteous work without expecting any reward.

The Next Avataar in this series is that of Buddha Avataar in the next post

- Manhar Narsey 

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Saturday 12 December 2015


Ram Avataar:  

Most popular of Vishnu incarnation is Ram Avataar. Hindus all over the world celebrate birth of Lord Ram on Ram Navami day. Lord Ram was born on midday of ninth day of Shukla paksha of Chaitra month according to Hindu calendar. 

Lord Ram is also known as Maryada Purushotam, meaning the best person living within merit of humanity. Ram was a living model of a noble person. 

After passing through several phases of life from Matsya to Parshuram, one enter in the phase of Ram avataar. This is a phase of life after graduation when one is ready to settle in life. One will encounter numerous hurdle in life like Ram but one should not deviate from his principle and must live within one's merit similar to the way Ram lived. 

This is the message one must learn from Ram Avataar.

Another popular incarnation of Lord Vishnu is Krishna Avataar in my next post.

- Manhar Narsey

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Friday 11 December 2015


Parshuram Avataar:  

This incarnation of Lord Vishnu was known as angry young person who got rid of Kshatriya from the earth 21 times. 

Everyone passes through this phase in life. When one is young, one tends to get angry every now and then. One may question why Parshuram has to kill so many Kshatriya 21 times? You can look at this scenario in two different ways. 

Firstly this is a mythological story. Whatever Lord does has some purpose in it. One should not question it. 

Secondly one has to look at the characteristic of Parshuram. He was obedient to his parent. When he was told by his father to kill his own mother, he did not wait. He killed her. Later when his father asked him for a boon, he got his mother back to life.

This shows that Parshuram knew exactly the power of his father and how to please him. There is message for every young person in the world.  

Before one reacts to any situation, one must know the power, strength and capacity of the opponent and also one must know how to please or tackle the opponent.

Kshatriyas are warriors and normally warriors are hot tempered as they have to deal with the enemies in battlefield. Killing of Kshatriya could also mean killing of one's anger. Killing of Kshatriya 21 times simply indicates that Parshuram was continuously aware of anger and killed (controlled) his own anger 21 times.

In this phase of life one must have control over one's anger.

The adorable avataar of Lord Vishnu is Ram Avataar. Keep reading it in my next post.

- Manhar Narsey

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