Sunday 25 October 2015

Thursday 22 October 2015


Yesterday I posted a blog on Dushera and I am glad that I had some response to this post. In the evening I met a scholar and was told that I am a fan of Ravan and was trying to portrait him as good character. He enlighten me with the story behind kidnapping of Sita. When Surpankha tried to kill Sita, then Laxman had cut the nose of Surpankha. This scene is very symbolic as according to Shree Murari Bapu "Naak Chali Gai" cutting nose is as good as killing a person. Later she went to her brother Ravan and praised beauty of Sita and provoked Ravan to kidnapped Sita. Well, I am not an authority to make any comment on Ramayan but I am merely trying to put the scenario in today's content.

We all know Ram was an incarnation of God or at least we believe that. It is also fact that when Sita was kidnapped Ram was profoundly crying and asking everyone in dense forest even asking to trees of where about of Sita. Ram was God and He could have easily killed Ravan without anybody's help but instead he was crying. Shri Murari Bapu said that though Ram was incarnation of God, He was in human form and hence He had to go through all dilemma and suffering of human being.

So let us relook at kidnapping of Sita again assuming Ram as just noble king. Now then questions arises are as follows.

1. Ram was a king and because his wife was kidnapped, we went all the way to get help of Sugriv's army, built a bridge across the ocean, burnt whole Lanka and fought war to release his wife.
Could Ram have done all this if Ravan has kidnapped any other lady from his kingdom?

2. Sugriv lost his kingdom to his brother. When he came to know of kidnapping of Sita, he volunteered to help Ram and ordered his army to help Ram. In return Ram also assured Sugriv that he would kill Vali and get the kingdom back to Sugriv.
Could Sugriv have offered his entire army if it was not Ram but an ordinary person?

Think of it. There is no mention of such situation in Ramayan. It is said that Sage Valmiki wrote Ramayan well before the birth of Ram. Perhaps he could not visualize the event that were going to unfold in 21st century when he wrote Ramayan, otherwise he could have added some more chapter. 

There is only mention of "Ram Rajya" where everyone lived happily ever after. If there was any one single person who was not happy was Ram himself as he has to part with his wife Sita after hearing of gossips from his subject (laundryman).

The point I am trying to drive here is after all noble kings are gone, ministers have taken their place. All over the globe people in power always talk about doing things but nothing happens and in some cases even after 15 to 20 years justice are not done. However if you are in power and if your family member gets in to problem you will do everything to rescue your member. 

Ram did the same thing. It was the question of his wife Sita, so he has to do something.

Wednesday 21 October 2015



Tomorrow is a Vijaya Dasami and we are all wishing Happy Vijaya Dasami electronically to each other.

There will be a burning of Ravan statue in many part of the world and most importantly burning of Ravan staue is a big event in India, where people from all walk of life joyously taking part in the celebration of destroying Ravan by Ram symbolizing the triumph of good over evil.

Though millions of people observe Dusherra, did we got rid of Ravan from our society. A 2 year girl was recently found in a pool of blood after being raped by modern Ravanas of our society. 

Thousands of girls are being abducted and sold for slavery each day by tens and hundreds of Ravanas of our society.

In fact Ram was really lucky in his time as he only had to fight with one Ravan. Honestly Ravan was not a criminal nor a rapist. He was a very learned person and was looking after his subject very well. He kidnapped Sita only to take revenge for cutting his sister Surpankha's nose by Laxman. Also he was very furious as he lost Sita in Sawyamvar as he could not lift Shiva Dhanush. Unlike modern days Ravanas, he has never kidnapped a 2 year young girl for his sexual excitement only.

The mythological story has portrayed Ravan a bad character only because Ram was of good character.  

Think of it and you will agree that these modern Ravanas are the ones who should be burned on the Dusherra day to celebrate the victory of good over evil.

Stop burning Ravan's statue and geared up to get rid of Ravanas from our society

- Manhar Narsey

Tuesday 20 October 2015


We do not get hurt by mountain, we get hurt by small stones.
(Zindagi me hame pahadon se nahi, chhote pattharon se thokar lagati hai)

We must identify our small mistakes, our minor wrong doings and try to rectify it and overcome it. Once we begin on the path of overcoming our small shortcoming, we will automatically be on the path of bigger goal.

Lord Krishna said to Arjuna in Bhagwad Geeta;

"Urdhvamoolamadhah Shakhamashvattham Praahuravyayam |
Chhanaadaashi Yasya Parnaani Yastam Ved sa Vedavit || (cH 15:1)

O, Arjuna! this world is like a tree, whose roots are facing towards heaven and branches downward. You need to prune all the small branches of greed, hatreds, jealously, dishonesty, anger, desire, attachment, ego etc. 

These are the qualities of Rajas and Tamas nature and they take you downward. Once you get rid of these qualities from your life then you will automatically begin journey on Satva Guna and you will be able to realize the truth of Aatma.

Remember, it's always small mistakes that hinder our journey.

A criminal is not born by birth but harbouring small mistakes and wrong doing, gives birth to a criminal instinct in a human being.

(Zindagi me hame pahadon se nahi, chhote pattharon se thokar lagati hai)

- Manhar Narsey

Friday 16 October 2015


Today we are living in a computer and internet age. 

Our children carry their own computer passwords. Parents are unaware of their children's activities and lifestyle. May be they are accessing to an adult website. Technology has advanced so rapidly that it has become difficult to keep a pace with it. 

We began to believe our own culture as holy tales of scriptures. Yet whenever a person feels lonely and deserted in life, when one becomes restless and has no peace of mind; one turns to one's culture and religion for the solution and peace of mind. 

Today there is pollution every where and in every field. One can feel and experience the pollution in air, pollution in business, pollution in society, pollution in music, pollution in life too. Think it over and over again and you will realize that we are surrounded by pollution everywhere.

Thursday 15 October 2015


It is said that those were good old golden days. Time has changed now. Time has brought changes in our lifestyle and in our thinking. Our forefathers came on this land with nothing. With the grace of God and through their tremendous efforts, today we have all luxuries like house, car, modern facilities etc. Yet we feel something missing in our life. Today along with name, fame and wealth, we are also engulfed with tension, ill health and family problems. In those days our forefathers ate less and lived healthy life. They had sound sleep even without air-condition. Today we are exposed to varieties of reach food and yet we cannot digest it without the help of medication. We cannot sleep even in air-conditioned rooms without the help of sleeping pills. Today we have to take "art of living" classes for better living.

            In those days, for children to obey their parents was a part of their religion and duty. These days, children raise their concern and refuse to obey their parents. In those days a daughter would not dare to do anything against the wishes of her parents. Today you cannot say anything to your daughter or daughter-in-law even if they return home late at night from clubs or parties. Love marriage and divorce were regarded as disgrace for the society in those days. Today one can never be sure, when one's daughter will return from her in-laws and file a divorce.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Gnadhi Day

Gandhi Day was celebrated on Friday 2nd October at MGM High School, Suva. The President of the Gujarat Education Society delivered his message as under:

Our Guest of Honour, Acting The Director Secondary, Ministry of Education, Culture and Arts, Trustees and members of the Gujarat Education Society, Invited Personnel from Government and Non – Governmental Organizations, Principal, Teachers, Students of MGM High School, ladies and gentlemen.

On behalf of the Gujarat Education Society of Fiji, I take this opportunity to warmly welcome each one of you this morning when the entire MGM High School family celebrates Gandhi Day.

First and foremost, I humbly extend a very special welcome to our Guest of Honour, Mr Timoci Bure, the Acting Director Secondary Ministry of Education, Heritage & Arts, Sir, we are indeed honoured and privileged to have you among us today to grace this auspicious occasion.

I would also like to extend a special welcome to all our invited guests from the government and non–government organizations. A very special and a warm welcome to the Principal and student representative from Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna Memorial High School, we are very proud to have you in our presence this wonderful morning.

Gandhi Day is a special, chromatic and momentous event in the MGM High School calendar. It is the birthday of our school Patron, Mahatma Gandhi. On this day, we celebrate the birth of this noble saint and at the same time celebrate the success stories of our students in academic and co – curricular activities with joy, vigour and enthusiasm.

Therefore, I would like to congratulate the Principal, Mrs Bharti Singh, and her Deputies together with the teachers to run the daily affairs of the school.

It is impressive and commendable to note that the Principal and staff members have chosen a thought provoking theme for the Gandhi Day Celebration.
“Being the Agents of Change in Education to Progress”
In our schools, societies and communities all effort should be made to inculcate positive changes as change is inevitable. To be an agent of change does not always have to be the person in authority, and surely change does not happen overnight. Positive change is not reserved to be the responsibility of any position.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Gandhi epitomizes the effective change agent. He allied with many people to bring about change. And if we all take the first small step in being the change agent with courage and conviction, as we progress into the 21st century it will surely lead towards a healthy nation.
We are indeed thankful to The Honorable Minister for Education, Culture and Arts for nominating The Director Secondary to be the Guest of Honour and we also applaud the Minister for bring about the educational reforms in the country. The presence of other renowned personnel in the civil service and non government organizations speaks volumes of your support, love and co-operation to the Gujarat Education Society and to celebrate the birthday of the school Patron and Mentor.  

I am extremely delighted to note the achievements of MGM High School students in both academic and non – academic activities throughout the year. Ladies and gentlemen, you have heard from the Principal the achievements of students in academic and extra curricular activities which clearly define the efforts and the holistic approach of the teachers.

The physical environment of the school has always been of paramount importance to the Board members. The Board is committed to providing better facilities and equip the students with the best possible learning environment which I believe will influence the students’ academic achievement.

Therefore, the Gujarat Education Society  will very soon venture into its most ambitious projects in mid 2016:


  • First and foremost the entire school will be on networking system during school holidays.

  • New three story complex adjacent to existing science lab to house, computer labs, and extended library.

  • Refurbishing of school administration office including Principal’s office and the Vice Principal’s Office.

  • New two story complex to replace existing wooden dwelling to house new canteen and a conference room.
  • This year the school has provided new furniture to all year 11, 12 and 13 students and during the holidays all furniture at year 9 and 10 levels will be replaced with new furniture.
There are many more projects on the Board’s drawing board and we are optimistic of achieving these as we progress through the years.

I applaud the efforts of the Principal and her Deputies, the Administration Officer, Heads of Departments, teachers and office staff for their untiring and consistent hard work that have contributed to this success.

Finally, may Mahatma Gandhi’s principles of change and progress continue to inspire and motivate us all to move forward.

May I wish the MGM Family and all our invited guests, a grand Gandhi Day Celebration. And congratulate all our prize recipients.

Last but not the least, I would like to thank the editorial team for yet another edition of the Reachout.

May God Bless us all.

Thank you, Dhanyavad, Vinaka Vakalevu. 

Tuesday 13 October 2015

GNADHI DAY at MGM High School

Gandhi was celebrated on 2nd October at Mahatma Gandhi Memorial High School. The Principal Mrs. Bharti Singh highlighted school achievement as follows:

 The Chief Guest, Mr. Timoci Bure, the Acting Director Secondary, Ministry of Education, Heritage and Arts,  The President Gujarat Education Society, Mr. Kamlesh Kumar, The school manager Mr. Ashok Patel, Trustees and Board Members of MGM High School, The School Administrator Mr. Narsey, Members of the Diplomatic Corp, Headteachers of our sister schools, Principals of various schools, Former principal of MGM High school, Mr. Bhindi. Staff and students of Ratu Sukuna Memorial High School, Parents, students and teachers Ladies and Gentlemen.

It is my honour and privilege to extend to you all a very warm welcome on the auspicious occasion of the celebration of Gandhi Day.

The MGM family extends a very special welcome to our chief guest Mr. Timoci Bure, The Acting Director Secondary Ministry of Education Heritage & Arts. We are indeed privileged to have you, Sir, with us all this morning to share a very special celebration, and to deliver your key note address and present prizes to our students. We sincerely thank you for accepting our invitation.

2nd October, is not only special to the MGM family but to the whole world, where the Great Leader’s birth is celebrated. A leader, who preached and practiced non-violence and became the leading figure in India’s struggle to gain independence from Great Britain. Here at MGM High School this day is celebrated with much vigour, joy, enthusiasm and pride. This day we reflect and remind ourselves of the contribution of a great soul who is known as the father of India and is highly respected by the Indian community all throughout the world.

The celebration theme this year is “Being the Agents of change in Education to Progress”.

The above theme is in line with the Gandhian philosophy on change as Gandhiji also preached about change and education. With the current reforms in our education system we all need to become agents of change to progress as the world never stops changing, we can never stop learning.
One of the implications of change, being the only constant in education is that educators must accept the reality that change occurs as matter for national course. A change agent or agent of change is someone who intentionally or indirectly causes or accelerates educational, social, cultural or behavioural change.

Gandhiji believed in, and I quote, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” unquote.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this important and auspicious occasion also marks the distribution of awards for our students for their achievements.
 Today it gives us an opportunity to reflect, introspect and acknowledge achievements of our students and staff.

MGM High School is the collective voice of hundreds of alumni, whose identities were shaped in the classrooms and the playgrounds of MGM HIGH SCHOOL. It is here that many enduring bonds are woven, where many vocations and professional careers are made. The School has impacted the lives of thousands of students.

Holistic learning inculcates in students important values, competencies and skills that will allow them to prosper in future, as such the school participated in a number of extra-curricular activities and have been either winners at the zonal level or have gained a national standing.

The academic year 2015, began with much vigour and enthusiasm as the school experienced a change in the administrative team and introduced the theme, “Be the change that is to be.” At this juncture I wish to whole heartedly acknowledge the contribution of our former Principal, Mr. Manoa Senikawara for setting the platform for change.

Currently, the school has a student roll of 756,
39 academic staff, 7 ancillary staff. The school caters for students from all different cultural backgrounds and also students from abroad.

Ladies and Gentlemen let me now highlight a few of the achievements that we are celebrating today. 

Branesh Prakash scored the National Highest in the Year 12 Certificate Examination – 2014. He scored 386 marks and made the MGM family proud.

Chem knowledge Battle
The school attained the first position at zonal level and qualified for National finals.

The Bio Battle team has also qualified for the National finals.

Team Mathematics Competition
Year 12 team secured the first position at zonal level
Year 9 team secured 2nd National standing.
Year 10 team also secured 2nd National standing.

Sindhiya Shankar of Year 9-02 participated in the World Hindi Day Oratory contest organised by the University of the South Pacific and attained the 3rd position.

After a lapse of 3 years the school this took part in sporting activities and have gained recognition.

Under: 15 team – winners in Suva Secondary Schools soccer association and Southern Zone runner-up.

Under: 17 team – winners in the grade and 3rd place getters in the Southern Zone playoffs.
Two of our students have been drafted into the National under: 16 soccer team.

Athletics – in Suva zone 1competitions, two of our students created new records
Unaia- of Year 902 has created a new record in shot – put AND
Avishan Lal –of year 903 created a new record in Long Jump
 Our school believes in providing holistic education for all our students as we strive to develop intellectual and manual skills as well as positive attitude. Therefore, the following competitions were organized at the school level:

Inter form debate, Inter form spell well, Commerce quiz, Chem knowledge battle, Bio knowledge battle, Darts, Chess and our students did exceptionally well in the Seva  Ashram  Sangha Competitions.

We genuinely believe that the school and home environment are now being looked at as potential instruments of positive change that can save our future and a way forward to the prosperity of our beloved country.

MGM has curved a niche for itself among the cluster of educational institutions in the city and country and will continue to spread its wings far and wide and move forward with greater enthusiasm and optimism.

Gandhi Day Special Reachout
Once again the school has produced a special Gandhi Day Reachout which includes the highlights of school events and a special section on Gandhian thoughts. I on behalf of the MGM family wish to thank the School Administrator, Mr Narsey and the editorial team for the hard work and effort in producing this year’s special edition.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we will shortly witness its launching.

Thanks and appreciation
I would like to this opportunity to thank the following stakeholders for their unrelenting support in our small and big endeavours.
I wish to express my deep appreciation to Mr. Kamlesh Kumar, the President Gujarat Education Society for his guidance and assistance throughout the year.
I wish to accord a very special thanks to Mr Manhar Narsey for his continuous encouragement and sound advice.
The Ministry of education for the guidance and support.
Parents and all well-wishers for their support and co-operation.
Last but not the least, the hardworking staff and students of the school deserve a special mention for their consistent diligence, sincerity and devotion with which they have persevered in all aspects of teaching and learning at the school.

In closing, I would like to wish all our students best of luck in their upcoming exams. We are positive that our students will make us proud and we will have another vibrant celebration next year.


Thursday 8 October 2015


The early settlers to arrive in Fiji had no knowledge of English. Somehow they have been able to convince of their skill to their potential employers. One cannot imagine the tremendous effort put in by those early settlers who struggled their way to establish themselves in employment and in business. Our forefathers worked 15, 17 or even 20 hours a day, non stop for so many years. Today, we the children of the 4th or 5th generation get tired working only 30 to 40 hours a week! Our forefathers took a great pain to learn English. Today our children are not prepared to take even a little effort to learn our own mother tongue, Gujarati.

            Those were the days of communication by letters. A cable message was sent only in emergency. People loved to write letters. The letter depicted the love and feelings of writer. One used to visualize the portrait of one's family member, reading sentimentally packed letter. These days, we mostly communicate through email. Messages are becoming short and to the point whether by email or letter. The expression of love and sentiments vanished from our communication. In those days, they used to work long hours and yet they were able to find time to write letters. Today, we do nothing and yet we have no time to write letters. Today we have no time to listen to important and fruitful things about life, but we do have time for clubs and parties.

- Manhar Narsey