Wednesday 14 October 2015

Gnadhi Day

Gandhi Day was celebrated on Friday 2nd October at MGM High School, Suva. The President of the Gujarat Education Society delivered his message as under:

Our Guest of Honour, Acting The Director Secondary, Ministry of Education, Culture and Arts, Trustees and members of the Gujarat Education Society, Invited Personnel from Government and Non – Governmental Organizations, Principal, Teachers, Students of MGM High School, ladies and gentlemen.

On behalf of the Gujarat Education Society of Fiji, I take this opportunity to warmly welcome each one of you this morning when the entire MGM High School family celebrates Gandhi Day.

First and foremost, I humbly extend a very special welcome to our Guest of Honour, Mr Timoci Bure, the Acting Director Secondary Ministry of Education, Heritage & Arts, Sir, we are indeed honoured and privileged to have you among us today to grace this auspicious occasion.

I would also like to extend a special welcome to all our invited guests from the government and non–government organizations. A very special and a warm welcome to the Principal and student representative from Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna Memorial High School, we are very proud to have you in our presence this wonderful morning.

Gandhi Day is a special, chromatic and momentous event in the MGM High School calendar. It is the birthday of our school Patron, Mahatma Gandhi. On this day, we celebrate the birth of this noble saint and at the same time celebrate the success stories of our students in academic and co – curricular activities with joy, vigour and enthusiasm.

Therefore, I would like to congratulate the Principal, Mrs Bharti Singh, and her Deputies together with the teachers to run the daily affairs of the school.

It is impressive and commendable to note that the Principal and staff members have chosen a thought provoking theme for the Gandhi Day Celebration.
“Being the Agents of Change in Education to Progress”
In our schools, societies and communities all effort should be made to inculcate positive changes as change is inevitable. To be an agent of change does not always have to be the person in authority, and surely change does not happen overnight. Positive change is not reserved to be the responsibility of any position.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Gandhi epitomizes the effective change agent. He allied with many people to bring about change. And if we all take the first small step in being the change agent with courage and conviction, as we progress into the 21st century it will surely lead towards a healthy nation.
We are indeed thankful to The Honorable Minister for Education, Culture and Arts for nominating The Director Secondary to be the Guest of Honour and we also applaud the Minister for bring about the educational reforms in the country. The presence of other renowned personnel in the civil service and non government organizations speaks volumes of your support, love and co-operation to the Gujarat Education Society and to celebrate the birthday of the school Patron and Mentor.  

I am extremely delighted to note the achievements of MGM High School students in both academic and non – academic activities throughout the year. Ladies and gentlemen, you have heard from the Principal the achievements of students in academic and extra curricular activities which clearly define the efforts and the holistic approach of the teachers.

The physical environment of the school has always been of paramount importance to the Board members. The Board is committed to providing better facilities and equip the students with the best possible learning environment which I believe will influence the students’ academic achievement.

Therefore, the Gujarat Education Society  will very soon venture into its most ambitious projects in mid 2016:


  • First and foremost the entire school will be on networking system during school holidays.

  • New three story complex adjacent to existing science lab to house, computer labs, and extended library.

  • Refurbishing of school administration office including Principal’s office and the Vice Principal’s Office.

  • New two story complex to replace existing wooden dwelling to house new canteen and a conference room.
  • This year the school has provided new furniture to all year 11, 12 and 13 students and during the holidays all furniture at year 9 and 10 levels will be replaced with new furniture.
There are many more projects on the Board’s drawing board and we are optimistic of achieving these as we progress through the years.

I applaud the efforts of the Principal and her Deputies, the Administration Officer, Heads of Departments, teachers and office staff for their untiring and consistent hard work that have contributed to this success.

Finally, may Mahatma Gandhi’s principles of change and progress continue to inspire and motivate us all to move forward.

May I wish the MGM Family and all our invited guests, a grand Gandhi Day Celebration. And congratulate all our prize recipients.

Last but not the least, I would like to thank the editorial team for yet another edition of the Reachout.

May God Bless us all.

Thank you, Dhanyavad, Vinaka Vakalevu. 

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