Wednesday 7 October 2015



Each time I cut my fingernails, I feel like I am fighting battle against evil forces. When I cut my nails, it looks so nice and neat but in next couple of days they started growing back. I have been doing this exercise almost every week for last 7 decades. But I cannot stop them coming back and I cannot see them coming back. I understood that I shall not be able to stop growth of my nails because I have not been able to touch the root of their growth.

Problems in life are like fingernails. No matter what you do, problem shall always be part of life. All one has to do is to keep fighting with the problems just as one do with fingernails. 

One encounters physical problems, financial problems, family problem. We cannot get rid of them from our life. They will keep coming back in one way or other in different form in our life.

Have you ever had a look at river. She faces lot of hurdle in her path, but that does not stop her from flowing. She fights and overcome all the hurdles in her path and continues with her journey towards her ultimate goal (sea).

Do not dishearten by the problem.

Remember problems are nothing but your fingernails. Face it, fight it, cut it and keep moving ahead. 

Life is a precious gift of God.


Save life

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