Monday 3 August 2015

Vaat Vaat Ma

Vaat vaat ma, a Gujarati word meaning just a casual talk. We all like to talk.

Communication media has never been so advanced in past as it is today. Looking back few decades ago, we were writing letters to our very close friends and relatives. We would have probably shared our thoughts and views when we met our friends in party then.
Today we have email, face book, twitter, aaps and you just name it. But I have preferred to go on blog because through blog I can share my thoughts and views across the globe.

What do we talk, when we meet somebody in party. We talk about business, fashions, politics, science, religion, gossips and you can keep adding to this list. But all those talk remains within the close group only. You go a bit further and sometime send email to your friends and relatives of any interesting story you come across in your email. Perhaps you put it on face book but your audience are still limited.

In vaat vaat ma, we talk about things of your interest. You may post your comment on my blog but you can also email ( me of any article you would like to share with others. If I find your article interesting, I will certainly put in on my blog with the credit given to you if your article is original or name the source from where you have downloaded the article.

So let us enjoy vaat vaat ma.

Manhar Narsey


  1. I must say that this is an interesting piece of information to the definition of "vaat vaat ma", as well as an insight to your blog. Nice introduction.

  2. Thank you Vaibhav. In fact I have too busy lately that I could not post anything. But surely I need to get back in to action soon.
