Monday 31 August 2015

Mine and Yours

Mine and Yours

Today we shall look at the first verse of the first chapter of Shrimad Bhagwad Gita, where King Dhritarashtra asks question to Sanjay.

Dharm Kshetre Kuru Kshetre Samaveta Yuyutsav |
Mamakaha Pandavaschev Kim Kurvat Sanjay || (Gita 1:1)

Meaning: Oh Sanjay! tell me, in the battle field of Dharm Kshetra also known as Kuru Kshetra, what are my sons and sons of Pandu are doing at present.

 Here Sanjay represents pure unbiased intellect. He was blessed with a far sighted vision, so he can sees what is happening on the battle field.

Dhritarashtra is a king full of materialistic desires and blind folded with attachments. He is portrayed as blind king. He only wants his sons to be winner in the battle, though his sons have deceived their cousin brothers Pandavas of their kingdom.

This is not just story of Kauravas and Pandavas. This is what is happening in the world today. We all have focus only on our family. Our vision is narrow. We are unable to see beyond our circle. We are unable to see and feel pains and sorrow of others. We like to enjoy our life, no matter if our neighbourhood is starving.

Kshetra means area or mass. Our body is Kshetra (Gita 13:1). Through the body one can do dharma or righteous things and through the same body one can also do good deed. Hence the body is known as Dharm Kshetra, Kuru Kshetra. Kauravas and Pandavas are negative and positive energy in one's life. 

Soul (Dhritarastra) is surrounded by materialistic attachments and compels the mind and body to act negatively. Pure instinct (Sanjay) reminds soul to stop war (stop wrong doing) but he would not listen.

The first verse of Gita explains that as long as mortals remain blind, war shall not stop. There shall be no peace as long as there is no tolerance and brotherhood love amongst each other. 

Lord Krishna said, "Love thy neighbour. Experience and feel pains and sorrow of others and you will see no reason to fight. 

And when there is no war, there shall be peace and a heavenly era shall begins on earth.

-Manhar Narsey

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