Monday 31 August 2015

Mine and Yours

Mine and Yours

Today we shall look at the first verse of the first chapter of Shrimad Bhagwad Gita, where King Dhritarashtra asks question to Sanjay.

Dharm Kshetre Kuru Kshetre Samaveta Yuyutsav |
Mamakaha Pandavaschev Kim Kurvat Sanjay || (Gita 1:1)

Meaning: Oh Sanjay! tell me, in the battle field of Dharm Kshetra also known as Kuru Kshetra, what are my sons and sons of Pandu are doing at present.

 Here Sanjay represents pure unbiased intellect. He was blessed with a far sighted vision, so he can sees what is happening on the battle field.

Dhritarashtra is a king full of materialistic desires and blind folded with attachments. He is portrayed as blind king. He only wants his sons to be winner in the battle, though his sons have deceived their cousin brothers Pandavas of their kingdom.

This is not just story of Kauravas and Pandavas. This is what is happening in the world today. We all have focus only on our family. Our vision is narrow. We are unable to see beyond our circle. We are unable to see and feel pains and sorrow of others. We like to enjoy our life, no matter if our neighbourhood is starving.

Kshetra means area or mass. Our body is Kshetra (Gita 13:1). Through the body one can do dharma or righteous things and through the same body one can also do good deed. Hence the body is known as Dharm Kshetra, Kuru Kshetra. Kauravas and Pandavas are negative and positive energy in one's life. 

Soul (Dhritarastra) is surrounded by materialistic attachments and compels the mind and body to act negatively. Pure instinct (Sanjay) reminds soul to stop war (stop wrong doing) but he would not listen.

The first verse of Gita explains that as long as mortals remain blind, war shall not stop. There shall be no peace as long as there is no tolerance and brotherhood love amongst each other. 

Lord Krishna said, "Love thy neighbour. Experience and feel pains and sorrow of others and you will see no reason to fight. 

And when there is no war, there shall be peace and a heavenly era shall begins on earth.

-Manhar Narsey

Sunday 30 August 2015

Gita (Janmashtami)

The most powerful message for mankind from Lord Krishna

On the auspicious occasion of Shri Krishna Janmashtami, let us re-look at some of the important messages of Lord Krishna.

Let us first understand the meaning of Gita. The word Gita is made up of four letters namely G (GA), I (EE), T(TA) and A(AA). Letters written in brackets are the proper pronunciations in Hindi text.

To begin with A (AA) means come. The ultimate purpose of human being is to seek and merge with Supreme being. Lord Krishna said that you must come to Me. Seek refuge in Me. Surrender yourself to Me. Be my total devotee. We all want to be total devotee of our Lord. But how can we do it? Well the answer is in the third letter which is T.

T(TA) meaning Tapa. Lord Krishna said that if you want to be my total devotee then you have to do Tapa (penance). Tapa of your body, mind and speech. 

One needs to keep one's body healthy and free from diseases as long as one lives. This can be achieved by controlling diet, and avoiding toxic food and drinks. 

One needs to keep mind healthy. This can be achieved by avoiding all negative thoughts in life and harbouring positive thoughts. This can be done by avoiding gossips. Reading good holy scriptures and by attending lectures, seminar, katha, narration of holy text etc. 

One needs to keep one's speech healthy. Simply say good and welcoming words. Few words of appreciation can do wonders in life. Do not get upset or angry and utter such words that will tarnish relationship forever.

Now this sounds pretty simple. Isn't it? But wait check the first two letters. G(GA) is the third consonant in Hindi alphabets and I (EE) is the fourth vowels in Hindi alphabets. When you add them together you get total of seven. This represent seven obstacles in the path of devotions. 

These obstacles are desire, anger, greed, attachment, ego, jealousy and enmity. 

It may be difficult for human being to totally get rid of these obstacles but certainly it is not difficult to control them. If one remains continuous alert about these obstacles then it will become easier to do Tapa (penance) and through Tapa it will be easier to attain salvation.

We will look at some more simplified verses of Gita in next post.

Happy Krishna Janmashtami

- Manhar Narsey

Saturday 29 August 2015


Festival of Lord Krishna birthday (Janmashtami) begins from today till 8 days. 

Hindus all over the world will be celebrating birthday of Lord Krishna which falls on Shravn Krishna Ashtami (Gujarat) which is same as Bhadrapad Krishna Ashtami. 

Tremendous high tide of devotion will be seen during these eight days and on the ninth day everything returns back to normal. With the exception of  few, most temples which will be  thriving with activities and flooded with devotees for eight days will be almost deserted.

Why do we always believe that doing certain thing on certain times is just enough to get salvation from the cycle of birth and death?

God, whatever name you may call Him, is not an emergency chain in a life train that one pulls in case of emergency. He is not an airbag of your life car that will protect you in case of accident.

Most Hindus are familiar with story of Mahabharat. Why Arjun and his Pandu brothers were able to win the battle? Not because they were more powerful then their cousin brothers Kauravas. In fact Kauravas were powerful and much more mighty in strength and numbers than Pandavas. 

Having such a mighty army strength why did they loose battle? It is because Arjun chose Krishna to be his charioteer. He did not left Him behind or ignore him. He trusted Krishna to drive him in the battle field. 

I remember this song from film "Meri Jung" (Nutan and Anil Kapoor) "Jeet Jayenge Hum to Agar Sang Hai, Zindagi Har Kadam Ek Nayee Jung Hai." 

We always win our life race if He (Lord) is with us.

Before leaving this mortal world, Lord Krishna said to Daruk that do not try to change the world, change your self and the world will change. 

Today's problem around the world is everyone is trying to change others but not himself.

Let us celebrate Krishna Janmashtami in true sense by changing our-self first and we can certainly bring heavenly era on the earth.

Happy Janmashtami to all my readers

- Manhar Narsey

Thursday 27 August 2015

Raksha Bandhan

You may be far or near

You may like me or may not like me

You may share a blood relation with me or a relation of friendship

You may remember me or may be you have forgotten me.

You are always dear and near to my heart because you are my sister.

I am blessed that God gave me a sister. 

Someone who I know will always stand by me in times of need. 

I know you will run across seven oceans leaving behind all your important work, your family, your commitment and stand by me because you know it is a call from your brother.

A very Happy Raksha Bandhan to all sisters around the world from their loving brothers. Keep this bond alive in your life, not just for a day.
- Manhar Narsey


Wednesday 5 August 2015


We have always seen Lord Vishnu in this posture.

And now look at this photo of Lord Vishnu

Keep scrolling down

You will see in the top photo Lord Vishnu holding mace (gaddaa) in right hand whereas in  this photo He is holding it in his left hand.

Do we really have left handi God?

Monday 3 August 2015

Vaat Vaat Ma

Vaat vaat ma, a Gujarati word meaning just a casual talk. We all like to talk.

Communication media has never been so advanced in past as it is today. Looking back few decades ago, we were writing letters to our very close friends and relatives. We would have probably shared our thoughts and views when we met our friends in party then.
Today we have email, face book, twitter, aaps and you just name it. But I have preferred to go on blog because through blog I can share my thoughts and views across the globe.

What do we talk, when we meet somebody in party. We talk about business, fashions, politics, science, religion, gossips and you can keep adding to this list. But all those talk remains within the close group only. You go a bit further and sometime send email to your friends and relatives of any interesting story you come across in your email. Perhaps you put it on face book but your audience are still limited.

In vaat vaat ma, we talk about things of your interest. You may post your comment on my blog but you can also email ( me of any article you would like to share with others. If I find your article interesting, I will certainly put in on my blog with the credit given to you if your article is original or name the source from where you have downloaded the article.

So let us enjoy vaat vaat ma.

Manhar Narsey

Sunday 2 August 2015

JagannathRathYatra arrives at the Suva Ashram

JagannathRathYatra stopped over at the Suva Ashram for a special Arti. The three days Jagannath Puja and RathYatra was organised by Shree Sat SanghRamayanMandali in Lami at Fiji Sevashram Sangha’s Assistant Secretary Akhilesh Prasad’s residence from 16th to the 18th July. The program included Jagannathkatha and JagannathLeela (drama on Lord Jagannath). The RathYatra started from Lami and then on foot from Shiva temple in Samabula. On its way to Sai Mandir in Toorak the rathyatra stopped at the Suva ashram where a special aarti was performed by Shri Virshkh Lal and Shrimati Nirmala Lal.

 Smt. Nirmala Lal (left) and  Smt. Bhagwati Narsey offering prayer to Bhagwan jagannath
 Special Administrator of Suva City Council, Shri Chandu Umaria offering aarti to Bhagwan Jagannath
 Miss Rhea A. Prasad carrying kalash at Rath Yatra.
Devotees carrying Bhagwan Jagannath Rath

The annual rathyatra celebration is a special occasion when where Lord Jagannath, Lord Balarama and Mata Subhadra are taken for a ride on the ratha (chariot). "Jagannath" is a Sanskrit word which means " Lord of the Universe." The RathYatra is celebrated every year on the 2nd day of Shukla Paksha (waxing cycle of moon) in the month of Asadh, the 3rd month according to the lunar calendar. The special icon of Lord Jagannath, Lord Baladeva and Mata Subhadra was carved and decorated wooden stump with large round eyes and with stumps as hands. It is made of wood, which is an exception to common Hindu iconographic deities of stone.

Report compiled by: Akhilesh Niranjan Prasad (Asst. Secretary Fiji Sevashram Sangha)

- Manhar Narsey