According to Hindu mythology, there are nine incarnations of Lord
Vishnu. These are in the following order.
Matsya (fish)
Kurma (tortoise)
Varah (pig)
Nrusimh (half lion,
half human)
Vaaman (child)
Parshuram (young
Ram (matured)
The tenth
incarnation to be known as “Kalki” is yet to come.
It is widely
accepted fact that Hindu scriptures are based on scientific facts or have some
connection with science.
While the birth
dates of Ram (Ram Navami), Krishna (Krishna Janmashatami) and Buddha are
available, birth dates for other incarnations are not very specific. This is
because according to Hinduism, from the evolution of earth till the end, there are four eras known as Satya Yug (1,728,000 years), Treta Yug
(1,296,000 years), Dwapar Yug (864,000 years) and Kali Yug (432,000 years).
These four yug (era) amounts to total of 4,320,000 years. At the end of these four
yug world comes to an end, also known as Big Bang theory.
It is believed that
we are in 5000+ years in Kali Yug so if the above theory is correct then our planet
has yet less than 427,000 years of life before it comes to an end with Big Bang
If Hindu scriptures
are so specific (I will not argue on that) and if it said to have connection
with science, then one wonders if the above incarnations of Lord Vishnu has any
connection to human life or are they remain strictly as Mythology.
I am fully convinced
that the incarnations of Lord Vishnu are portrayed in a systematic order from conceiving
of a child to eternity.
In my next post, I
will try to explain the system of these incarnations so one can understand why
these incarnations of Lord Vishnu are placed in these order.
- Manhar Narsey
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